Cantius frugivorus


Cantius frugivorus has a dental formula of 2:1:4:3 on both the upper and lower jaw (Fleagle, 1999). The canines in this species are prominent, and the incisors are small and vertical (Fleagle, 1999). The mandibular symphysis of this species is unfused (Fleagle, 1999). This was most likely a diurnal species. This species had an average body mass of around 2.8 kilograms (Fleagle, 1999).

Cantius frugivorus was found in North America and occurred during the early Eocene (Fleagle, 1999).

Based on dental morphology this species most likely had a frugivorous diet (Fleagle, 1999).

Based upon the limb bones this species most likely moved by arboreal quadrupedalism and leaping (Fleagle, 1999).

Fleagle, J.G. 1999. Primate Adaptation and Evolution. Academic Press: San Diego.

Last updated: November 13, 2001

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