Elphidotarsius florencae


Elphidotarsius florencae had a body mass around 30 grams (Fleagle, 1999). This species had a dental formula of 2:1:3:3 on the upper jaw and 2:1:2:3 on the lower jaw (Conroy, 1990). This species has an enlargement of the last lower premolar and last two upper premolars (Fleagle, 1999). The last two upper premolars also developed three longitudinal crests bearing cusps (Conroy, 1990). The last two upper premolars are also studded and file-like in shape (Conroy, 1990). This species had what is called plagiaulacoid dentition, which is named after the dentition of the multituberculate suborder Plagiaulacoidea (Conroy, 1990).

Elphidotarsius florencae was found in North America during the middle to late Paleocene epoch in the Torrejonian stage (Fleagle, 1999).

Based on the morphology of the teeth this species had a high fiber diet that included such items as nuts, seeds, and invertebrates (Conroy, 1990).

Conroy, G.C. 1990. Primate Evolution. W.W. Norton and Co.: New York.

Fleagle, J.G. 1999. Primate Adaptation and Evolution. Academic Press: San Diego.

Last updated: January 8, 2004

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