Platychoerops daubrei


Platychoerops daubrei had a body mass around 1887 grams (Fleagle, 1999). This species lacked a fused mandibular symphysis (Conroy, 1990). This species had a dental formula of 2:0:3:3 on the upper jaw and 1:0:2:3 on the lower jaw (Fleagle, 1999; Conroy, 1990). The lower molars of this species had a relatively low trigonid and a broad talonid (Fleagle, 1999). The premolars and molars had low, bulbous cusps (Fleagle, 1999). This species had procumbent incisors (Fleagle, 1999). The upper incisors had a large posterocone towards the back (Conroy, 1990). The upper incisors also lack the laterocone (Conroy, 1990). The molars of this species are more molarized and have more crenulated enamel than members of the genus Plesadapis (Conroy, 1990).

Platychoerops daubrei was found in Europe during the early Eocene epoch in the Ypresian stage (Fleagle, 1999; Conroy, 1990).

Based on the morphology of the teeth this species consumed plant matter (Fleagle, 1999).

Conroy, G.C. 1990. Primate Evolution. W.W. Norton and Co.: New York.

Fleagle, J.G. 1999. Primate Adaptation and Evolution. Academic Press: San Diego.

Last updated: November 24, 2002

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